Corporations and territorialities: Concessions of Public Services in Brazil - the example of the highway transport of passengers; and, other cases


  • José Ivonaldo Holanda de Almeida Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


The object in analysis is to understand the behavior of the corporations, in the case, of the Auto Viação, that juridical personality has the grants of public concession of service for the exploration of the highway transport of passengers; and the action, of those corporations, in the territory structuring as plan of that action, being used, to such, of the vehicle solemnity omnibus as symbol of that process, in the organization of conglomerate, in Brazil. Finally, in the effect of the territorialities, the inclusion for the distributing corporations of electric power in the country. Keywords: Corporation, Geography, Public Service, Transports, Territory

Author Biography

José Ivonaldo Holanda de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Professor na Unidade Acadêmica de História e Geografia, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - Campus de Campina Grande




