O ZONEAMENTO DO TERRITÓRIO USADO Uma contribuição para o planejamento regional em áreas litorâneas no Brasil


  • Wendel HENRIQUE


This work is an application of a methodological proposal for the elaboration of a zoning of the used territory, understood as synonym of geographical space. Used territory is formed as an inseparable, solidary and contradictory system between a system of actions and a system of objects, in agreement with Santos (1999). Such proposal is based on the choice that Geography is a subject which provides theoretical, technical and empirical support. The zoning proposal, accomplished starting from the landscape as analytic category, it was applied in a section of the south coast of the tate of São Paulo – Brazil. This space that since the beginning of the colonization, in the century XVI, it has been used intensely, now for the tourism. The field works were also important for the understanding of the local reality and with the information obtained through remote sensors (images and aerial pictures), they supplied data for the definition of the units or zones. Three great units or zones were delimited – scientific, rarefied and dense. This way, the zoning of the used territory, as it was proposed, it seeks to contribute as an instrument for the regional planning.

Author Biography


Doutorando em Geografia – IGCE/Unesp - Membro-fundador do Grupo de Estudos “Milton Santos” - Rua 10,
2527 Santana CEP 13500-230 Rio Claro/SP – Brasil. e-mail: wendelh@rc.unesp.br




