Experiencing the Body in Order to Enrich the Spirit


  • Elie Cohen-Gewerc Beit Berl College




Body. Spirit. Meaning. Consciousness. Harmony.


The perception of the body by man, is a main topic for humans in every age and culture. Our objective is to review few points from the past and to discuss what is occurring now. Doing so, we hope understand what could be the dangers for present generations, and more importantly, to discern some of the opportunities. First we will look how body is perceived as raw material to be handled with care, being ‘by definition’ complex and dangerous. In a second phase we will see how human body acquire subjective legitimacy. Then we will observe the more complex stage that occurs when the individual wins sole ownership of his/her body and embarks upon the search for meaning. Lastly, we will attempt to describe the possible path in which the philosophy of leisure and culture of the body offer the individual a process towards personal harmony.

Author Biography

Elie Cohen-Gewerc, Beit Berl College

nasceu em Alcácer-Quibir, uma pequena cidade no Marrocos. É Ph.D. em Filosofia e mestre em Ciência da Educação pela Universidade de Sorbonne, além de graduado em História Geral e Cultura Francesa pela Universidade de Tel Aviv. Desde 2001 é professor de Ética no Beit Berl College. Até 2004 foi membro do comitê acadêmico para o Primeiro Congresso Mundial de Estudos do Lazer, em Köln.





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