Contributions of the Psychology for the formation in Physical Education


  • Roberto Tadeu Iaochite Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP
  • Walmor de Almeida Nogueira Largura Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP
  • Roberta Gurgel Azzi Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP
  • Ana Maria Falcão de Aragão Sadalla Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP



Psicologia, formação, Educação Física


Understanding the role of Psychology within the physical educator formation can be interesting in order to establish the interfaces with this discipline and to enable that the application of this knowledge be made through a referential that gives support to practical interventions. This study had as a goal to analyze the insertion of Psychology on the physical educator formation. Eighteen physical educators and seventeen students of Physical Education colleges participated in this study answering a questionnaire about Psychology insertion on formation and application. The most cited themes were those related to learning, developmental, and educational theories. The contributions were the ones about understandingthe relationship between teacher and student, evaluation, organization of contents, and motivation. It is necessary to highlight that the Psychology contribution for the physical educator formation needs to be revised considering the contents and how these have been thought related to the theory, practices, and the relationship between both.





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