Physical Education Teacher: the São Paulo state educational policy


  • Bruno Gonçalves Lippi Professor da rede pública estadual de São Paulo SP
  • José Milton de Lima Departamento de Educação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FCT/UNESP – Presidente Prudente SP



Educação Física. Ensino Fundamental. Política educacional.


The research investigated the return of the Physical Education teacher to the primary school in the State of São Paulo. Fact that generated fidgets, considering the exit of this teacher, in 1995, was supported by the justification that the read and write teacher received knowledge necessary for the teaching physical education classes in your professional formation. Then, we ask will be that the professional formation of the read and write teachers was the main reason that cause the exit and the return of the physical education teacher? Or will be that the department of Education had other reasons as economics or politician for such changes? The research had as objective: to investigate which the reasons that had determined the exit of the physical education teacher, in 1995 and its return in 2003. The methodology was characterized as qualitative-descriptive. The research concluded that international financial institutions, compromised with a neoliberal project of society, had intervened directly with the planning, execution and evaluation of the educational politics in the State of São Paulo.





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