Effects of full season on stabilometric parameters in handball elite athletes


  • Paulo Henrique Marchetti Methodist University of Piracicaba, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil Faculty of Physical Education (YMCA), Sorocaba, SP
  • Maria Isabel Veras Orselli Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP
  • Lúcio Mauro da Silva Martins Vita Institute, São Paulo, SP
  • Marcos Duarte Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of ABC, Santo André, SP




exercise performance, biomechanics, motor control, postural stability, stabilometry, physical performance.


It is unclear whether athletes change their postural control over the course of a full season, or become more asymmetrical with respect to their neuromuscular performance over the same period. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a full season on the postural control of handball elite athletes. Ten healthy, elite male handball players performed bipedal standing (BP) and right and left unipedal standing (UP) during 30s. We used the RMS and speed of the center of pressure to describe postural sway. For the BP task, the sway was lower after season (P<0.005). For the UP tasks, the sway was lower after season only for the nondominant limb (P<0.001). Differences between limbs were observed only after season (P<0.03). In conclusion, training through a full season did not lead to deterioration of the athletes’ postural control, but by the end of season, the athletes were more asymmetrical.

Author Biographies

Paulo Henrique Marchetti, Methodist University of Piracicaba, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil Faculty of Physical Education (YMCA), Sorocaba, SP

Doutor em ciências - EEFE-USP Mestre em educação física - EEFE-USP Especialista em TReinamento desportivo - UNIFESP Especialista em Fisiologia do exercício - UNIFESP

Maria Isabel Veras Orselli, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Bacharel (2004) e Mestre em Física (2008) pelo Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente sou aluna de doutorado da mesma instituição. Desde 2007 sou colaboradora do Vita Care, ONG vinculada ao Instituto Vita, para a qual realizo pesquisas na área de biomecânica do esporte e biomecânica aplicada à clínica. Tenho interesse na análise e simulação do movimento humano, especialmente na locomoçao humana em ambiente aquático.

Marcos Duarte, Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of ABC, Santo André, SP

Professor in the Biomedical Engineering program of Federal University of ABC, Brazi. lMy main areas of research are in the interface between Biomechanics and Motor Control of human movement, particularly about human posture control and locomotion. Basically, Biomechanics studies the structure and function of biological systems using the knowledge and methods of the Mechanics, and Motor Control studies how the biological systems control their movements. In a broad sense, I am interested to know how living beings control and execute their movements. Through this knowledge, I hope to help to improve the motor performance of special populations, such as elderly, patients, and athletes.






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