The masculine and the sensible in Stanley Keleman


  • Luiz Alberto Lorenzetto UNESP Rio Claro SP



Educação somática existencial, educação corporal alternativa, educação física holística.


This essay is a result of a literature review and participation in courses and lectures done by Stanley Keleman in Brasil. Keleman says that the shape of body expression reveals the nature of human existence. In Kelemanian view when a man is not in good relation with his wife, girlfriend, or mate, he is virtually reduced and feels like having no escape, becoming stiff, tense, collapsed or swelled out. He also talks about a case study about a man that lost his identity, his capacity of love, and he changed his situation in the sense of healing himself, using the Five Steps Methodology. To reach this condition, Larry (the patient) needed to perceive himself, to show himself, to know himself, to disorganize himself, to make relationships, to decide, re-organize, to incubate himself, to create and through new ways: RE-BIRTH. This essay also includes a proposal to use Alternative Body Practices, to help people that lost their way in the formative journey, to take their axis again.

Author Biography

Luiz Alberto Lorenzetto, UNESP Rio Claro SP

Atualmente é Professor Assistente Doutor da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física , com ênfase em Educação Física Holística. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Lúdico.





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