Greening Education and Waldorf Education: Dialogues and Practices in a school on the coast of Bahia
Owing to concerns regarding human relations with the environment and the degradation and exploitation of nature, various Environmental Education initiatives have been developed over the years in formal basic education to contribute to a harmonious coexistence among them and address the environmental crisis. This study aimed to understand the greening education process of a Brazilian Waldorf school in dialogue with Steiner principles, as well as the concepts and practices related to the socio-environmental issue. We opted for qualitative research and approximations adopting ethnographic approach strategies. Systematic observations of daily life, document analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project, and semi-structured interviews with teachers, students and employees were carried out. Based on the data analysis, we concluded that the Waldorf educational concept contributes to: valuing inter-trans-disciplinary work; equal importance given to curriculum disciplines in cognitive, biological-technological and practical-artistic development; a sustainable infrastructure; a participatory and cooperative management, without hierarchies, including the active participation of parents and teachers in implementation and school evolution. These experiences provide training for citizenship and sustainability throughout the children and young people’s educational process.
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